VCE Quality

VCE is very proud with the highest level of operating performance shown by its Compact Controllers CS1 and CS2, which have been operating totally defect free since 2002.

Our standardization of manufacturing process, including components (SC), functional tests (ST) and installation (SI) as well as customer support ensures repeatability, thus contributing to a successful campaign of operational reliability.

SC -Standard Components
All electronic components and parts are sourced from international brand names of recognized quality and performance which are duly certified by the international market.
ST – Standardized Tests
All steps of manufacturing/assembly are checked and tested for functionality. PCBs are assembled, washed and inspected for correct soldering of components before individual testing. Following final assembly, the equipment is tested under real loads of 110 and 220VAC.
SI – Standardized Installation
The equipment has been designed for simple, safe and quick installation in new plants or in case of replacement of other brands. If required, VCE can make available an engineering service to assist the start up of the controllers.